What is an Inquiry?

An Inquiry is a post that "inquires" about someone you have encountered in your recent or long ago past. Perhaps it is someone that you knew as a child, an old friend that you have lost touch with, a neighbor or a previous co-worker.

An Inquiry can also help you find a recipe for a pot luck dish that was shared at a specific location & point in time; it can help you locate the owner of something that was found; or act as an introduction to someone you saw across the room.

Start by dropping a pin on the map in the location where you last encountered the individual your are inquiring about. Fill out as much information on the form as you can recall (to help other users identify the person and the encounter setting). Your Inquiry will be posted to the location selected. All other uencounter.me users who have also been at that place will see your inquiry (and will be notified that an inquiry was posted there). Users who may be able to answer or contribute to your inquiry will be able to send you a message with their input.