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Sydnie L.
Sydnie L.
Mar 6th, 2013
Who is / was here: Friends / Family
Relates to: Visiting

In Riomaggiore, which is a small province of La Spezia, we visited the most beautiful sight I've ever seen in all my life. It was honestly a life changing experience for me. We ate lunch (some of the best ravioli I've ever had) and then tried to go on the Via dell'Amore, the Path of Love. It was closed because of the rain, but we got up the mountain it was on. It overlooked the ocean and had winding steps. You could see the whole town in all of its glory. I couldn't stop screaming at the top of my lungs because I couldn't ever remember being happier. It was a sight that has to be seen to be believed, but I will never ever forget this moment.

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